By Force of Arms is available!

My new novel By Force of Arms has been officially released. As of now it is available for the Kindle on A Trade paperback will soon be available as well.

I decided to go ahead and self publish now after watching a writing / publishing lecture by fantasy author Brandon Sanderson. He did a good job of showing the viability of “indie” publishing in today’s market.

I am very pleased with the final cover design. As people read it, I hope to get feed back.
For those interested in getting the book it is available at

5 thoughts on “By Force of Arms is available!

  1. I am very interested in reading By Force of Arms as I have published a book with a similar premise and I would like to see how you handled it. If you will publish this at Smashwords and notify me when it is live, I will buy a copy. Not everybody with an ereader has a Kindle.
    PS: Nice cover.

  2. Thank you very much Scott. I’ve sent you an e-mail. I’ve checked out your site and blog and I like them a lot.

  3. steve martell says:

    i just finished “by force of arms” and found it to be a very entertaining book, especially for what i believe is a first novel by the author. i’ve read a review that points out (in that critics perspective) some chatacter flaws and grammar and editing. didn’t notice the former (really, it’s an alternate history, so things can change) and rarely noticed the latter. i usually like what critics dont anyway. i have been a big fan of the alternate history genre since i discovered the 1632 series. now, it’s on to “Rebel Empire!”

  4. Brett Portman says:

    I’m about half way through Force of Arms and am enjoying it but would like to point out that you can’t count on using a spell-checker in place of careful proofreading. You use “aught” when you mean “ought”, “pale” in place of “pail”, “through” in place of “threw” and keep switching between “Frankfort” and “Frankfurt”.You’ve also got a few comma problems. Keep writing but get some proofreading. p.s. It’s really hard to proofread your own work. You tend to see what you meant to write rather that what’s actually on the page.

    • Dear Brett, thanks for reading my book and for the feed back. I know my books have some editorial issues and I’m trying to do better. As you pointed out it is hard to edit you own work and I definitely have a problem with words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Commercial authors have access to professional editors. As a struggling indie author I have to rely on myself and a few friends. I do plan on hiring a professional editor in the future. Just stick with me for a few more books. My books have done far better than I ever expected and I feel blessed to have a growing and interested fan base. Hopefully in the future I should be able to afford a professional copy editor and maybe even a professional cover artist.

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